
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Veggie Meatloaf, Rock Asparagus and Rosemary Sweet Potatoes

For dinner last night we had Vegetable Meatloaf with Balsamic Glaze, Rock Asparagus, Rosemary Roasted Sweet Potatoes and for dessert...grapes!  It was all very good, but my favorite dish was the sweet potatoes.  I just love sweet potatoes and it's an added bonus that they are a super food (excellent source of Vitamin C!).  As for asparagus, they are not only yummy and good for you, but they are a very low calorie vegetable!   The meatloaf was tasty too and I love that it was full of colorful veggies.  Hope you and your family enjoy this meal as much as we did!

click here for the original VEGETABLE MEATLOAF WITH BALSAMIC GLAZE recipe
(from: Food Network)

I made quite a few changes to this meatloaf recipe, so here's my "cleaned up" version:

  • -2 tablespoons olive oil
  • -1 small zucchini, diced
  • -1 red bell pepper, diced
  • -1 yellow bell pepper,  diced
  • -5 cloves garlic, minced
  • -1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional-I omitted this ingredient)
  • -Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
  • -1 large egg, lightly beaten
  • -1 tsp. dried thyme
  • -4 tsp. dried parsley
  • -1 1/2 pounds ground turkey (90 percent lean)
  • -1 1/2 cups whole wheat breadcrumbs (I used slices of my homemade bread and pulsed it in the food processor-this replaced the 1 cup Panko from the original recipe)
  • -6 oz. organic tomato paste (divided)
  • -2 tsp. honey
  • -1/2 tsp. onion powder
  • -1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • -8 slices of cheese (we used provolone)


-Preheat the oven to 425.  Heat oil in pan and saute the zucchini, bell peppers, garlic and 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes. Season with salt and pepper.  Set vegetables aside to cool.
-Whisk the egg and herbs in a bowl. Add to the egg mixture the turkey, breadcrumbs, 4 oz. of the tomato paste, 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar and the vegetables.  Mix together all ingredients.
-Put the mixture into a 9-by-5-inch loaf pan. Stir together the remaining tomato paste, 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar, honey, onion powder, salt and pepper (to taste - I used 1/4 tsp. salt and 1/8 tsp. pepper), and 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes in a small bowl.  Pour the mixture over the entire loaf. Bake for 1 to 1 1/4 hours. Let rest for 10 minutes before slicing.
-Slice meatloaf and top each serving with  cheese.  

click here for ROCK ASPARAGUS recipe

(from: Dr. Oz)


-fresh asparagus
-olive oil
-kosher salt
-dried thyme
-dried oregano
-dried bail
-black pepper
-tomatoes (optional)

(from: Ezra Pound Cake)


-sweet potatoes
-olive oil
-Rosemary (I used 1 tsp. dried rosemary)
-fresh garlic
-kosher salt
-nonstick cooking spray
-chopped walnuts



Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Homemade Mushroom Soup

I don't know what the weather is like where you live, but  when I went running this morning, The Weather Channel said it was 25 degrees and felt like 18 (and they were right!)!!!!  Fortunately, it's a sunny day and has warmed up a little, but it's still very cold.  So, what's the best thing to make on a cold day.....SOUP!  Like I've said before, we make a lot of soup during winter, so I will probably be posting many more soup recipes over the next month or so!

I made this mushroom soup a few days ago.  It had the house smelling yummy and when my husband got home from work he commented that whatever I was cooking smells good and he followed that statement up with, "so what's for dinner?"  Well, I guess I should tell you that my husband THINKS he doesn't like mushrooms (I like to tell him it's all in his head).  So, whenever I make something that has mushrooms in it, I try to "hide" them.  For example when I make the Pesto Veggie Whole Wheat Pizza, I always put the mushrooms on the very bottom and cover the mushrooms up with the other toppings and cheese (if my husband reads this post, then I guess my secret is out!).  I can get pretty creative, but you are probably asking yourself how does someone "hide" mushrooms in a MUSHROOM SOUP, right???  Well, I put the mushrooms in my food processor, which chopped them up real fine!  So, anyway, when my husband asked what we were having for dinner, I quietly answered, "soup.........chicken soup.........with some mushrooms."  A more accurate  description of the soup is a mushroom soup with some chicken added, but I was afraid the m-word would be a problem.  He didn't freak out and I am happy to report, he not only survived eating the mushroom soup, but he really liked  it too and was eager to have it again the following night!  HIGH FIVE TO THE CHEF!!!

My mother-in-law always tells me to keep making and serving those foods and he'll eventually come around.  Hope she's right!  Anyway, this mushroom soup was excellent and we will definitely be making it again.  Remember, mushrooms are so good for you and full of nutrients, so make this soup sometime this week and enjoy!  Your family will thank you!


click here for HOMEMADE MUSHROOM SOUP recipe
(from: Season With Spice)

-fresh mushrooms (I used 8-12 oz. White or Bella sliced mushrooms)
-olive oil 
-fresh garlic 
-dried thyme (I used 1 tsp. dried thyme)
-bay leaf (I used 2 bay leaves)
-Worcestershire sauce (**omitted-see below)
-chicken or vegetable stock (I used 1 1/2 cups of homemade chicken stock)
-flour (I omitted this ingredient)
-salt (I used 3/4 tsp. salt)
-heavy cream (I omitted the heavy cream and just used milk-see next ingredient)
-milk (I used 2 cups whole milk)
-nutmeg (I used 1/8 tsp. nutmeg)
-chopped cooked chicken - amount varies (I just used some of the chicken I had cooked in the crock pot earlier in the week)

*This recipes serves 2.  I would suggest doubling the recipe.
**I omitted this ingredient and the soup tasted great!  There is just too much "stuff" in Worcestershire sauce, so we don't use it. 

Homemade Mushroom Soup

Friday, January 18, 2013


I would think most people would agree that eggs are great!  Eggs are nutritious, versatile, delicious and cheap...the perfect food, right?  Eggs can be eaten at any meal and cooked many different ways.  I prefer my eggs scrambled, in omelet form or hard boiled.  What about you?

Unfortunately, my precious husband is one of the few people out there who doesn't like eggs, so even though I love quiches and frittatas, I never make them.  The way I get my egg "fix" is usually in sandwich form.  One of my favorite sandwiches to eat for lunch is an omelet sandwich (see pictures below).  I whisk together an egg and a little milk and then pour it in the pan (use olive oil or butter in the pan so the omelet doesn't stick).  As it's cooking, I season it with pepper, dried chives, garlic powder and dried onions flakes.  Then I add some cheese.  Next I fold the omelet over and let it finish cooking.  I cut the omelet in half and put it between two  pieces of my wonderful homemade whole wheat bread.  I also include on my sandwich slices of red bell pepper and slices of avocado.  Like I said this is one of my favorite lunches to make.  

Below is a delicious sounding quiche and frittata recipe (most of my recipes I post on here I have made and approved and I will always tell you if I haven't made a specific recipe).  Unfortunately, I have never tried either one of these recipes, but I wish I could (fingers crossed one day my husband will start liking eggs!).  If any of you try either one of these recipes, I would love some feedback!  Remember,  dinner doesn't have to be big and spectacular.  Keep is simple and REAL.  Just add a side of fresh fruit and you have a delicious, healthy dinner!

Another delicious way to eat eggs is to boil them.  Hard boiled eggs are great on salads or just by themselves.    Eggs are full of protein and even makes a filling snack.   I boil my eggs using the 12-Minute Eggs method, which I have included below.  

Get creative with your egg dishes.  There are so many wonderful meats and vegetables that you can pair with eggs.  Let me know how you prefer your eggs and if you have a favorite egg dish!  I really enjoy communicating with my readers, so I look forward to hearing from you!  



Ingredients for whole-wheat pie crust:
-whole-wheat flour
-whole milk 

Ingredients for quiche filling:
-whole milk
-salt and pepper
-cayenne pepper
-ham, cheddar, tomatoes, goat cheese (I am not a fan of goat cheese, so I may try Feta instead)

click here for CHICKEN ASPARAGUS FRITTATA recipe

(from: Egg Farmers of Alberta)


-cooking oil (I would use olive oil)
-lemon juice
-fresh garlic
-red pepper
-salt & pepper
-Parmesan cheese
-goat cheese (I am not a fan of goat cheese, so I may try Feta instead)

12-Minute Eggs

-Place eggs in a single layer in a saucepan.  Add water to a depth of three inches and bring to a rolling boil.  

-When the water boils, cover pan with lid and remove from heat.  Let eggs stand for 12 minutes. 
-Drain and return eggs to pan.  Fill it with cold water and ice and let eggs stand for a few minutes to cool.  Then, crack the shell on all sides on your counter top.   
-Peel under cold running water, starting at the larger end.  

My omelet sandwich...Yum!
Ingredients for my omelet sandwich.  

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


This is a wonderful recipe.  Super easy, super delicious, and super nutritious!  Also, you can do so much with this granola.  You can totally play with this recipe and make it your own!  There are so many nutritious seeds and nuts that you can use in this, so get creative.    

I like to make this granola and cut it into bars for a delicious snack.  I also enjoy it for breakfast.  I used to buy vanilla flavored Greek Yogurt, but now I buy plain Greek Yogurt .  I sweeten the yogurt with  100% pure/all natural Maple Syrup and some vanilla extract (check the ingredient label on your vanilla and make sure it doesn't have corn syrup added...I will be blogging about vanilla extract in the future).  Mix the syrup and vanilla into the yogurt and then top with granola pieces.  This makes a scrumptious breakfast.  Also, this granola is a great replacement for those sugary breakfast cereals.  

This recipe is so versatile.   Have fun with it and let me know how you personalize your granola!


click here for the GRANOLA recipe

-rolled oats
-walnuts pieces (or cashews or pecans)
-unsweetened shredded coconut
-raw sunflower seeds
-raw pumpkin seeds
-ground cinnamon
-ground ginger
-ground nutmeg
-butter (I used salted butter)
-vanilla extract
-salt (I omited this because I used salted butter)
-parchment paper

Granola bars!

Plain Greek yogurt, flavored with vanilla extract, sweetened with
100% all natural pure maple syrup and then topped with granola!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Cauliflower Pizza Crust

This is a followup to yesterday's post.  I should have included this yesterday, but didn't remember this recipe until I was getting in bed last night.  We haven't made the Cauliflower Pizza Crust in several months, but it's a great recipe and something a little different and fun!  

My husband likes raw cauliflower, but doesn't really care for cooked cauliflower, so I was hesitant to make this crust.  However, I was pleasantly surprised when he really liked it!!!  We've made it several times in the past, but are overdue for making it again!  

A few helpful hints....this pizza will need to be eaten with a fork, as opposed to picking it up and eating it.  This crust is delicious  but not strong and sturdy like a more typical pizza crust.  Also, remember, to shop for a block of low-fat cheese and shred it yourself.  The goal is to reduce or eliminate preservatives, additives and highly processed foods in your diet.  My husband and I have never felt better since making these dietary changes.  I look forward to you  experiencing the same!


(scroll down to the "Hot Mama Pizza" recipe from Jennifer Rutolo)


-shredded cheese
-garlic powder

Here is a different Cauliflower Pizza Crust recipe that looks delicious too!  Let me know if you give this one a try.  I look forward to us trying this variation sometime soon.

-fresh garlic
-shredded cheese

Monday, January 14, 2013

Pesto Veggie Whole Wheat Pizza

Who doesn't love pizza?!?!?!?  We eat homemade pizza about once a week and we love it!  I make a whole wheat crust in my Cuisinart Convection Bread Maker CBK-200.  I make two pounds of pizza dough at a time.  I use half of it and then freeze the other half.  As soon as the dough is finish in the bread maker, I wrap up the half of the dough I am going to freeze.  I use cling wrap to do this and then put the wrapped dough in a freezer safe ziplock bag and immediately put it in the freezer.  It thaws out great, when we are ready to use it.  As for the dough we are going to use immediately.....I roll the pound of dough out real thin to make a 14 inch large pizza (we like a thin crust pizza).  I use the pizza dough recipe that's in the manual that came with my bread maker, although  I have adjusted the recipe a little.  The ingredients I use to make the crust are: 2/3 cup water (80-90 degrees), 1/2 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. sea salt, 1 Tbsp. olive oil, 2 cups whole wheat flour and 1 1/4 tsp. yeast (Please note, this is a different recipe than what's listed below).  

For those of you who don't have a bread machine, I'm including a recipe for pizza dough that doesn't require a bread machine.  I have never used this particular recipe, as I always use my bread machine, but Lisa Leake (from 100 Days of Real Food) has great recipes, so I am sure the recipe below will turn out perfect.     

We always make a Pesto Veggie Whole Wheat pizza and it's delicious!!   I have included the pesto recipe that I like to use (see below).  It makes a lot of pesto, so I freeze it in an ice cube tray.  Whenever I make a pizza, I just pop out two ice cubes of pesto, let it thaw and then spread it onto the crust.      

Don't forget to load on lots of healthy vegetables.  Some of our favorite veggies to put on our pizza are mushrooms, tomatoes and  green peppers.  Here's a little hint, if you are planning on using fresh tomatoes, slice the tomato and lay the slices on a paper towel.  Sprinkle the tomato slices with salt and pepper.  Do this at least 30 minutes before putting the tomato slices on the pizza.  This will help draw out a lot of the water in the tomatoes, so your pizza doesn't end up soggy. The salt and pepper help flavor the tomato slices too.  

Also, you may want to look through your spice cabinet to "dress up" your pizza.  Some that we use from time to time are garlic powder, Italian seasoning,  and onion flakes (my husband doesn't like onions and I love our compromise is dried onion flakes!).  

Lastly top your pizza with cheese.  I use an 8 oz block of Mozzarella.  I grate the cheese and then sprinkle it on top.  Remember, block cheese doesn't have the anti-caking additive(s) that the shredded cheese has, plus it's cheaper and creamier.  It doesn't take long to shred a block of cheese, so I encourage you to skip the pre-shredded cheese.  

I bake my pizza at 500 for 8-10 minutes.  This is a family favorite at our house.  Hope you enjoy it too.  Remember, get creative  and  make this recipe your own!


click here for HOMEMADE WHOLE WHEAT PIZZA DOUGH recipe -
without a bread machine


-kosher salt
-olive oil
-whole wheat flout
-cooking spray

click here for PESTO recipe

-fresh basil (I use more than what the recipe calls for)
-pine nuts
-Parmesan cheese (I've omitted this before and the pesto still tasted great!)
-fresh garlic (I used 3 cloves of garlic) 
-olive oil (I used 3 Tbsp of olive oil)
-salt and pepper to taste (this is not in the original recipe)
-1/2 bag of fresh spinach (this is not in the original recipe)
* Remember, leftover pesto can be stored in ice trays to freeze.

Pesto Veggie Whole Wheat Pizza

Pizza dough is ready.


Pizza is ready for toppings. 
Ingredients for the pizza dough. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

On Facebook

I am so excited about all the positive and supportive feedback I am getting on my blog and truly appreciate everyone's support!  I set up a Facebook page and would love for you to take a minute and "like" the page (REAL Food on a REAL Budget)!  Also, please share my blog address and/or Facebook page with any friends or family who you think would enjoy some healthy recipes and tips that will transform their life!
Thanks again, everyone!  I have so much more to share and eager to get it all published on my blog and out to everyone!

Snacks and Parenting

Recently I was asked if I blog about parenting.  After a brief pause, I felt confident in answering YES!  As a parent I feel a responsibility to  provide for my child (and husband) healthy options not only at meal time, but for snacks as well.  Children are not able to go to the grocery store and select what items they want to keep in the house.  They rely on us to select foods that promote "clean" eating.  

Have you looked in your pantry and refrigerator lately?  What snacks do you currently have in your home?  Are you familiar with the ingredient label on these  foods?   When choosing snacks (or any food item for that matter), make sure you know what you are putting in your body!  Remember, "YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT!"  

There are so many REAL food snack options, and some of our favorites that we always keep in our house are raw almonds, raw walnuts, cheese, plain Triscuits, and plain popcorn (see The Popcorn Trick below).   I shop at Publix and they regularly have popcorn kernels  Triscuits, and blocks of cheese on sale (often time B1G1)!  Remember, children will eat what they have access to.  It is much easier to  resist those unhealthy foods at the grocery store, than once they are in your house.   So make smart choices while shopping and do not rely on having self control at home.  Educating yourself and reading labels will get you on the right track to transforming how your family eats. 

Parenting can be overwhelming at times, but do not let the health/nutrition aspect of parenting be ignored.  As a former school teacher, I have seen first hand how the chemicals, preservatives and additives in our foods impact a child.  Educate yourself and guide your child to healthy eating habits  that will positively impact him/her for a lifetime.  What better gift can you give to yourself and your entire family!


click here for THE POPCORN TRICK

-popcorn kernels
-brown paper lunch sack
-butter, oil, and/or salt (these ingredients are optional - I omit them)

Yummy and filling snacks!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Whole Chicken in Crock Pot and Homemade Stock

We used to buy deli meat for sandwiches, but when I started this transformation to REAL food eating, I was in search for something less processed and more healthy.  I turned to the rotisserie chickens sold at Publix, but after looking at the ingredients list on the chickens, I still had the desire to feed my family something better.  So, I found this delicious recipe.  It's super easy and a money saver!  Making a whole chicken in the crock pot is less expensive than the deli meat or rotisserie chicken I was buying each week.  Also, I get more meat than I did when I bought the other two meat options.  And the "cherry on top" is that I know exactly what's going in my food, the chicken is not full of sodium, and it's a tasty, "clean" recipe!!  Oh and let's not forget how versatile this chicken is.   You can use the chicken on sandwiches, in soups, in casseroles, or just serve it for dinner with a couple of sides.  

As if all of this wasn't enough, the homemade chicken stock is just as wonderful as the whole chicken recipe (both recipes below)!!  I don't make stock every time  but I do like to keep a good supply of chicken stock in the freezer, so if I'm getting low, then I will make some more stock to freeze (the recipe below makes about 8-10 cups of stock).  I used to use chicken broth from the store, but never again.  The homemade chicken stock is lower in sodium, it's healthier and MUCH more tasty!!  It enriches the dishes I use it in MUCH more than the chicken broth I was buying.  

I look forward to you trying these two recipes!  I hope you enjoy them as much as we do!



-onion powder
-garlic powder
-cayenne (red) pepper
-black pepper
-large chicken
A few notes: I cut off the skin before cooking the chicken and just rub the spices all of the chicken meat.  Also, I cook the chicken overnight (on low for 8-10 hours). 


-chicken bones and carcass
-celery (I omit this)
-carrot (I omit this)
-bay leaf
-parsley (I use 1 tsp dried parsley)
-thyme (I use 1 tsp dried thyme)
-salt (I use about 2 tsp sea salt)
-garlic (this is not in the original recipe, but I like to add 2 minced cloves of garlic)

All the spices for the chicken.  

The chicken is ready to start cooking!

About to start cooking the stock!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Strawberry Honey Jam

I would guess that most people like peanut butter!  We love to eat peanut butter sandwiches and usually eat them for lunch on the weekends (on our homemade whole wheat bread of course!).   Sometimes I make a peanut butter and banana sandwich.  Other times I make a peanut butter and grape sandwich and then there's always peanut butter and raisin sandwiches too!  And we can't forget the classic, PB&J!!  Jams and jellies are so yummy, but you have to be careful that your preferred jam/jelly isn't full of sugar and other unnecessary ingredients.   Below is an easy and delicious recipe for strawberry jam.  The recipe below makes a lot of jam, so I scaled it down and made 1/3 of the recipe.  Also, I used frozen strawberries to save money.  This was fun to make and much better for you than most of those other jams and jellies out there!  

Before I let you go, don't forget to check the ingredients label for your peanut butter.  It's amazing the long list of unnecessary ingredients added to a food that should be very basic.  The peanut butter that we really like has two ingredients: peanuts and less than 1% salt.  

Remember, delicious and healthy eating can be easy, filling and fun!


click here for STRAWBERRY HONEY JAM recipe

-strawberries and/or blueberries
-unpeeled apples
-lemon juice

*FYI: I've tried making this in the crock pot and it doesn't work.  

Everything is in the pot and ready to start cooking!

Cutting the recipe down, still makes a lot of yummy jam!  And remember, it freezes well!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Honey Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread

What is your family's preferred type of sandwich bread?  White, wheat, sourdough (the list could go on and on)?  Have you ever looked at the ingredients list for your bread?  When I started getting into reading labels, I was amazed at what all is put into sandwich bread, when really only minimal ingredients are required to make a delicious, healthy, loaf of bread.  For example, the recipe I make has seven ingredients (water, kosher salt, olive oil, honey, 100% whole wheat flour, flax seed, and yeast).  Publix's whole wheat bread has 21 ingredients and a lot of the ingredients listed are long words that I can't pronounce and don't have a clue what they are!

Not too long ago, I bought a bread maker, and it's my new best friend!  I use it several times a week, as I make our sandwich bread and pizza dough weekly.  Making your own bread does take more effort than grabbing a loaf off the store shelf, but it's so worth it.  Not only do we save money by making our own bread, but it's so much healthier and delicious!   I make a large loaf (2 pound) of whole wheat sandwich bread in my bread maker (Cuisinart Convection Bread Maker CBK-200) every week or two.   I slice the loaf with a regular bread knife and as you can see in the picture below I slice it real thin.  I usually get  about 25-30 slices out of a loaf.  We eat a lot of bread, so we go through it fairly fast.  We keep in stored in the  refrigerator and even at two weeks it's still fine (a loaf has never lasted longer than two weeks in our house).  I've never put my bread in the freezer, but I am sure it would  freeze well, just like any other bread.  

I know that transforming your diet to REAL food eating can get overwhelming, but I encourage you to start small.  Start with your loaf of bread.  Even if you don't want to get into making your own bread, you can start paying attention to the ingredient labels on the breads at the store and find the bread that has the least amount of preservative, additives and is least processed.  Any improvement is beneficial to you and your family now and forever!  Then in a week or so, choose a different food that you are going to "research" at the grocery store and make a change to a more "clean" choice.

In order to switch to eating REAL food, you have to totally change your mindset.  You adjust the entire way you look at foods.  The key is to educate yourself and READ LABELS!  I continue to be amazed what they try to "sneak" into our foods.  The front of a package give the costumer one impression (often times a very skewed view) and then when you read the label and get the full story, the picture often times looks quite different.

In closing, I understand that people's budget and life circumstances allow for varying degrees of change.  However, I believe that everyone can make some changes in their "diet" whether big or small.  Are you up for the challenge?  A change that will benefit you and your family for a lifetime?  Think of it as a gift that keeps giving!


click here for HONEY WHOLE WHEAT SANDWICH BREAD recipe - for a bread machine
(adjusted from: 100 Days of Real Food)

-1 1/2 cup water (80-90 degrees)
-1/2 tsp. kosher salt
-2 Tbsp. olive oil
-1/4 cup honey
-4 1/4 cup whole wheat flour (I prefer King Arthur 100% Whole Wheat Flour)
-2 1/4 tsp. yeast (active dry)
-1 rounded Tbsp. Flax seed meal (this is not in the original recipe)

I have to put these ingredients in the bread maker in this order, starting with the water and ending with the flax seed.  If you have another bread maker, it may require a different order.  I then start up the bread machine.  The dough stays in the bread machine for  about 2 hours 49 minutes.  During that time it goes through a preheating cycle,  four kneading cycles, and two rise cycles.  After the final knead cycle, I take the dough out.  I put the dough into a regular loaf pan that I have greased with butter.  The dough sits in the pan on the counter top for 46  minutes (for the third and final rise cycle).  Then I put it in the oven.  The oven is set at 350 degrees (convection setting) and the bread bakes for 30 minutes.  Then I take it out of the oven and take the bread out of the pan.  I let the bread cool on a wire rack.  Once cooled, I slice the bread and put it in a large ziplock bag, then store in the refrigerator.  
It's so good!! :)

All ready to go in the bread maker!

The dough is prepared in my bread machine, but I bake my bread in the oven, not in my
bread maker, simply because I don't care for the shape of the loaf that the bread maker makes.  

All sliced up and ready for sandwiches! 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Crockpot Honey Apple Pork Loin

Recipes in the crock pot are so convenient and this pork recipe was tasty too!  We don't eat a lot of pork, but I would definitely make this again!  Serve this up with a couple of steamed or baked vegetables and a side of fresh fruit for dessert and vuala!  

A note concerning the apples.....I would love to buy all organic, but that gets pricey.  I know there's some controversy as to how beneficial organic foods really are, but I believe they are ideal and best.  However, it isn't realistic for me to buy all we are on one income, remember  :)  Having said this, there are certain foods I do try to keep in mind when at the store and when my weekly grocery budget allows, then I buy organic.  I am sure you have heard of the "Dirty Dozen"  (a list of the top twelve foods that have the highest levels of pesticide residue)?  Well, apples top the Dirty Dozen list!  So, if you can afford it, I would encourage you to buy organic apples.  

If you try this recipe, I'd love to hear what you think about it and what you served it with.  Hope everyone's weekend is going well!


click here for CROCKPOT HONEY APPLE PORK LOIN recipe

-Pork Loin
-Red Delicious Apples

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Whole-Wheat Banana Bread and Bran Flax Muffins

I've always heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I believe it!  I feel great when I start my day off with a good, healthy, wholesome breakfast!  Below are two wonderful recipes:  Bran Flax Muffins and Whole-Wheat Banana Bread.

The "problem" with many breakfast foods is the sugar content.  There are many ways to nutritiously sweeten foods.  I enjoy using honey, pure maple syrup, mashed bananas and sometimes even pineapple juice.  I encourage you to play around and get creative with different healthy sweeteners.  Mother Nature has provided us with amazing cooking ingredients that are often overlooked.   For example, the Breakfast Muffins recipe called for one cup brown sugar, but as noted in the recipe below, I replaced that with a mashed up banana (just mashed it with a fork) and some pineapple juice from  the fresh pineapple we had in the refrigerator.

Another ingredient that I like to slip into my food whenever possible is flaxseed meal.  The muffins call for flaxseed, but you could easily add a tablespoon or two to the banana bread too!  I enjoy adding flaxseed to bread, muffins, oatmeal, pancakes, waffles, etc.  Flaxseed  adds nutritional value to the foods with it's omega-3 and fiber!


click here for WHOLE WHEAT BANANA BREAD recipe

-whole-wheat flour
-baking soda
-plain yogurt (I used Greek yogurt)
-coconut oil
-(I like to add some flax seed to this recipe) 

click here for BRAN FLAX MUFFINS recipe


-whole wheat flour
-flaxseed meal
-oat bran cereal
-brown sugar: I replaced this with a mashed banana and 1/4-1/3 cup pineapple juice.**  
-baking soda
-baking powder
-shredded carrots (I processed this in my food processor)
-shredded apples* (preferably organic)
-chopped walnuts

*I processed the apples in my food processor and left the peel on.
**mix the mashed banana and pineapple juice in with the liquids, not the dry ingredients. 

My delicious Breakfast Muffins.  I don't have a picture of the Banana Bread, but it was equally as tasty!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Soups: Butternut Squash, Black Bean & Split Pea

There's nothing better for dinner on these cold nights than a warm bowl of homemade soup!  I make a pot of soup about once a week during this time of the year.  I have found soups to be easy and cheap to make.  Also, there are a lot of healthy, delicious soup recipes out there!  In our house a pot of soup will last us at least two nights, so that's at least one evening off from cooking! :)  Below are three tasty, simple, healthy, soups made with REAL ingredients!  

click here for BUTTERNUT SQUASH SOUP recipe



-butternut squash
-butter (I used olive oil)
-leeks or onion (I used an onion)
-fresh ginger (I used 1 tsp. ground ginger)
-chicken stock
-heavy whipping cream (I used 1/4 cup milk and 1/4 cup butter)

click here for BLACK BEAN SOUP recipe

-dried black beans (soaked overnight)
-broth (I used homemade chicken stock, click here for recipe)
-red onion
-sundried tomatoes* (I used 1/4 cup chopped tomatoes) 
-green chilies* (I like to use an Anaheim Chili or Hungarian Wax pepper or any other similar chili/pepper-make sure you remove the seeds and veins!)
-smoked paprika
-cayenne pepper
-salt & pepper

*I made these adjustments so that we wouldn't have the additives  from the sundried tomatoes and green chilies in the soup



-olive oil
-bay leaf
-dried green split peas
-homemade chicken stock
-hot sauce

note:  I didn't puree the soup at all...we ate it "as is"

This is the Split Pea Soup.  Those four large brown pieces are my frozen homemade chicken stock.

The Split Pea soup is done cooking and it was delicious!
(I don't have any pictures of the other two soups.)