
Friday, January 18, 2013


I would think most people would agree that eggs are great!  Eggs are nutritious, versatile, delicious and cheap...the perfect food, right?  Eggs can be eaten at any meal and cooked many different ways.  I prefer my eggs scrambled, in omelet form or hard boiled.  What about you?

Unfortunately, my precious husband is one of the few people out there who doesn't like eggs, so even though I love quiches and frittatas, I never make them.  The way I get my egg "fix" is usually in sandwich form.  One of my favorite sandwiches to eat for lunch is an omelet sandwich (see pictures below).  I whisk together an egg and a little milk and then pour it in the pan (use olive oil or butter in the pan so the omelet doesn't stick).  As it's cooking, I season it with pepper, dried chives, garlic powder and dried onions flakes.  Then I add some cheese.  Next I fold the omelet over and let it finish cooking.  I cut the omelet in half and put it between two  pieces of my wonderful homemade whole wheat bread.  I also include on my sandwich slices of red bell pepper and slices of avocado.  Like I said this is one of my favorite lunches to make.  

Below is a delicious sounding quiche and frittata recipe (most of my recipes I post on here I have made and approved and I will always tell you if I haven't made a specific recipe).  Unfortunately, I have never tried either one of these recipes, but I wish I could (fingers crossed one day my husband will start liking eggs!).  If any of you try either one of these recipes, I would love some feedback!  Remember,  dinner doesn't have to be big and spectacular.  Keep is simple and REAL.  Just add a side of fresh fruit and you have a delicious, healthy dinner!

Another delicious way to eat eggs is to boil them.  Hard boiled eggs are great on salads or just by themselves.    Eggs are full of protein and even makes a filling snack.   I boil my eggs using the 12-Minute Eggs method, which I have included below.  

Get creative with your egg dishes.  There are so many wonderful meats and vegetables that you can pair with eggs.  Let me know how you prefer your eggs and if you have a favorite egg dish!  I really enjoy communicating with my readers, so I look forward to hearing from you!  



Ingredients for whole-wheat pie crust:
-whole-wheat flour
-whole milk 

Ingredients for quiche filling:
-whole milk
-salt and pepper
-cayenne pepper
-ham, cheddar, tomatoes, goat cheese (I am not a fan of goat cheese, so I may try Feta instead)

click here for CHICKEN ASPARAGUS FRITTATA recipe

(from: Egg Farmers of Alberta)


-cooking oil (I would use olive oil)
-lemon juice
-fresh garlic
-red pepper
-salt & pepper
-Parmesan cheese
-goat cheese (I am not a fan of goat cheese, so I may try Feta instead)

12-Minute Eggs

-Place eggs in a single layer in a saucepan.  Add water to a depth of three inches and bring to a rolling boil.  

-When the water boils, cover pan with lid and remove from heat.  Let eggs stand for 12 minutes. 
-Drain and return eggs to pan.  Fill it with cold water and ice and let eggs stand for a few minutes to cool.  Then, crack the shell on all sides on your counter top.   
-Peel under cold running water, starting at the larger end.  

My omelet sandwich...Yum!
Ingredients for my omelet sandwich.  


  1. Davis,
    Your posts are making me think about cooking (a little)! (-: You know you didn't get your passion for cooking from your mother, so that makes these thoughts I'm having even more amazing.

    1. That's funny, Mom! Hey, never too late to get "hooked" on cooking! :)

  2. Eggs are huge in my diet! I can eat them anytime. The chicken asparagus frittata sounds amazing! Again, I congratulate you and thank you for the blog. You have great things to share.

    1. Thank you Susan! Let me know what you think about the frittata if you made it. Also, I truly appreciate your support!
