
Wednesday, January 16, 2013


This is a wonderful recipe.  Super easy, super delicious, and super nutritious!  Also, you can do so much with this granola.  You can totally play with this recipe and make it your own!  There are so many nutritious seeds and nuts that you can use in this, so get creative.    

I like to make this granola and cut it into bars for a delicious snack.  I also enjoy it for breakfast.  I used to buy vanilla flavored Greek Yogurt, but now I buy plain Greek Yogurt .  I sweeten the yogurt with  100% pure/all natural Maple Syrup and some vanilla extract (check the ingredient label on your vanilla and make sure it doesn't have corn syrup added...I will be blogging about vanilla extract in the future).  Mix the syrup and vanilla into the yogurt and then top with granola pieces.  This makes a scrumptious breakfast.  Also, this granola is a great replacement for those sugary breakfast cereals.  

This recipe is so versatile.   Have fun with it and let me know how you personalize your granola!


click here for the GRANOLA recipe

-rolled oats
-walnuts pieces (or cashews or pecans)
-unsweetened shredded coconut
-raw sunflower seeds
-raw pumpkin seeds
-ground cinnamon
-ground ginger
-ground nutmeg
-butter (I used salted butter)
-vanilla extract
-salt (I omited this because I used salted butter)
-parchment paper

Granola bars!

Plain Greek yogurt, flavored with vanilla extract, sweetened with
100% all natural pure maple syrup and then topped with granola!


  1. This looks delicious, and so much healthier than store-bought granola! Thanks for sharing with us!

    1. Thanks for your comment! I just made some more today! I hope you enjoy it too! Thank you for your interest in my blog!

  2. I can't wait to make this! I have been looking for a good granola recipe and this one sounds delicious!

    1. Hope you enjoy it! I always keep this's so yummy!!! :) Thanks for checking out my blog!

  3. Yum! I must make this too. This would be great for me to take to work incase its a day were i just have time grab something quick!
