
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Honey Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread

What is your family's preferred type of sandwich bread?  White, wheat, sourdough (the list could go on and on)?  Have you ever looked at the ingredients list for your bread?  When I started getting into reading labels, I was amazed at what all is put into sandwich bread, when really only minimal ingredients are required to make a delicious, healthy, loaf of bread.  For example, the recipe I make has seven ingredients (water, kosher salt, olive oil, honey, 100% whole wheat flour, flax seed, and yeast).  Publix's whole wheat bread has 21 ingredients and a lot of the ingredients listed are long words that I can't pronounce and don't have a clue what they are!

Not too long ago, I bought a bread maker, and it's my new best friend!  I use it several times a week, as I make our sandwich bread and pizza dough weekly.  Making your own bread does take more effort than grabbing a loaf off the store shelf, but it's so worth it.  Not only do we save money by making our own bread, but it's so much healthier and delicious!   I make a large loaf (2 pound) of whole wheat sandwich bread in my bread maker (Cuisinart Convection Bread Maker CBK-200) every week or two.   I slice the loaf with a regular bread knife and as you can see in the picture below I slice it real thin.  I usually get  about 25-30 slices out of a loaf.  We eat a lot of bread, so we go through it fairly fast.  We keep in stored in the  refrigerator and even at two weeks it's still fine (a loaf has never lasted longer than two weeks in our house).  I've never put my bread in the freezer, but I am sure it would  freeze well, just like any other bread.  

I know that transforming your diet to REAL food eating can get overwhelming, but I encourage you to start small.  Start with your loaf of bread.  Even if you don't want to get into making your own bread, you can start paying attention to the ingredient labels on the breads at the store and find the bread that has the least amount of preservative, additives and is least processed.  Any improvement is beneficial to you and your family now and forever!  Then in a week or so, choose a different food that you are going to "research" at the grocery store and make a change to a more "clean" choice.

In order to switch to eating REAL food, you have to totally change your mindset.  You adjust the entire way you look at foods.  The key is to educate yourself and READ LABELS!  I continue to be amazed what they try to "sneak" into our foods.  The front of a package give the costumer one impression (often times a very skewed view) and then when you read the label and get the full story, the picture often times looks quite different.

In closing, I understand that people's budget and life circumstances allow for varying degrees of change.  However, I believe that everyone can make some changes in their "diet" whether big or small.  Are you up for the challenge?  A change that will benefit you and your family for a lifetime?  Think of it as a gift that keeps giving!


click here for HONEY WHOLE WHEAT SANDWICH BREAD recipe - for a bread machine
(adjusted from: 100 Days of Real Food)

-1 1/2 cup water (80-90 degrees)
-1/2 tsp. kosher salt
-2 Tbsp. olive oil
-1/4 cup honey
-4 1/4 cup whole wheat flour (I prefer King Arthur 100% Whole Wheat Flour)
-2 1/4 tsp. yeast (active dry)
-1 rounded Tbsp. Flax seed meal (this is not in the original recipe)

I have to put these ingredients in the bread maker in this order, starting with the water and ending with the flax seed.  If you have another bread maker, it may require a different order.  I then start up the bread machine.  The dough stays in the bread machine for  about 2 hours 49 minutes.  During that time it goes through a preheating cycle,  four kneading cycles, and two rise cycles.  After the final knead cycle, I take the dough out.  I put the dough into a regular loaf pan that I have greased with butter.  The dough sits in the pan on the counter top for 46  minutes (for the third and final rise cycle).  Then I put it in the oven.  The oven is set at 350 degrees (convection setting) and the bread bakes for 30 minutes.  Then I take it out of the oven and take the bread out of the pan.  I let the bread cool on a wire rack.  Once cooled, I slice the bread and put it in a large ziplock bag, then store in the refrigerator.  
It's so good!! :)

All ready to go in the bread maker!

The dough is prepared in my bread machine, but I bake my bread in the oven, not in my
bread maker, simply because I don't care for the shape of the loaf that the bread maker makes.  

All sliced up and ready for sandwiches! 


  1. Hey Davis! Can you post the recipe for your bread? It looks so good! Maybe you posted it and I didn't see it! (I am a tired mommy...) Thanks!

    1. Hey Melissa! I guess a recipe would be helpful! :) Thanks for bringing this to my attention (I too am a tired mommy!). I have had several inquires concerning this post, so after my little one goes to bed tonight I am going to edit yesterday's post and repost it. I will make sure I include the recipe.

  2. Do you have to have a bread maker to make bread? (Not sure if that's a silly question or not.) Wynn eats a sandwich each day at school for lunch, and it would be great to have a healthy bread for her. (I am in love with your blog, by the way!)

    1. Not a silly question...and I guess the answer is no, you don't have to have a bread maker.....however, there's a lot of steps to make bread (4 kneading cycles and 3 rise cycles, etc.), so I would imagine it's a lot of work without a bread machine. I think a bread machine is worth the investment. They come in all different price ranges, so you don't have to spend a ton on money. We eat a lot of bread and have home made pizza once a week, so we get a lot of use out of our bread machine. The fun thing about making your own bread is that the girls could help you. It can be a fun family activity. Even if you are measuring out everything, and the girls just dump the ingredients into the machine, they will be doing their part to help make the bread. My machine has a window at the top, so I am sure the girls would enjoy looking down there and seeing the dough at the different stages. Plus Wynn would enjoy getting to tell people she made her own sandwich bread! (Have I sold you on buying one yet!) :) Like I said we love ours and use it multiple times during the week! I love that we are not only saving money but also putting something in our body that's so healthy!

  3. Store bought bread gets stale when refrigerated. Does your homemade bread stay fresh? My husband is very picky about his bread being soft...

    1. Tisha, thanks for your question. We go through a loaf of bread in about a week and yes it stays fresh. I do store it in the refrigerator, however, that's just what I have always done. It may be fine to store in the pantry...not sure. As for the softness of this bread. It's not as soft as a lot of the store bought brands, but that doesn't bother us. Hope this helps!

  4. I just stumbled on to your recipe and I had a question...will this bread recipe come out the same if you would just leave the dough in the bread maker to bake? I noticed that you took the dough out and placed it in the oven, is there a reason for that?

    1. Hey Crystal!
      Yes, the bread will come out just fine if you leave it in the bread machine to bake. I simply prefer to bake it in the oven because I like the shape of the loaf better when I bake it in a loaf pan instead of in the bread machine. Also, in case you are interested, the bread recipe we now use is:
      We like it even better than the Honey Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread recipe. Thank you for you interest in my blog and for your question. Hope it was helpful!
      ~Davis :)

  5. Can’t wait to try the recipes for Passover!! Thanks for the great recipes. I appreciate it so much!! Delete Skype Account Watch Cartoons Online Sports Streaming Sites Movie Streaming Sites Speed Dating Questions

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