
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Cauliflower Pizza Crust

This is a followup to yesterday's post.  I should have included this yesterday, but didn't remember this recipe until I was getting in bed last night.  We haven't made the Cauliflower Pizza Crust in several months, but it's a great recipe and something a little different and fun!  

My husband likes raw cauliflower, but doesn't really care for cooked cauliflower, so I was hesitant to make this crust.  However, I was pleasantly surprised when he really liked it!!!  We've made it several times in the past, but are overdue for making it again!  

A few helpful hints....this pizza will need to be eaten with a fork, as opposed to picking it up and eating it.  This crust is delicious  but not strong and sturdy like a more typical pizza crust.  Also, remember, to shop for a block of low-fat cheese and shred it yourself.  The goal is to reduce or eliminate preservatives, additives and highly processed foods in your diet.  My husband and I have never felt better since making these dietary changes.  I look forward to you  experiencing the same!


(scroll down to the "Hot Mama Pizza" recipe from Jennifer Rutolo)


-shredded cheese
-garlic powder

Here is a different Cauliflower Pizza Crust recipe that looks delicious too!  Let me know if you give this one a try.  I look forward to us trying this variation sometime soon.

-fresh garlic
-shredded cheese

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