
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Whole-Wheat Banana Bread and Bran Flax Muffins

I've always heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I believe it!  I feel great when I start my day off with a good, healthy, wholesome breakfast!  Below are two wonderful recipes:  Bran Flax Muffins and Whole-Wheat Banana Bread.

The "problem" with many breakfast foods is the sugar content.  There are many ways to nutritiously sweeten foods.  I enjoy using honey, pure maple syrup, mashed bananas and sometimes even pineapple juice.  I encourage you to play around and get creative with different healthy sweeteners.  Mother Nature has provided us with amazing cooking ingredients that are often overlooked.   For example, the Breakfast Muffins recipe called for one cup brown sugar, but as noted in the recipe below, I replaced that with a mashed up banana (just mashed it with a fork) and some pineapple juice from  the fresh pineapple we had in the refrigerator.

Another ingredient that I like to slip into my food whenever possible is flaxseed meal.  The muffins call for flaxseed, but you could easily add a tablespoon or two to the banana bread too!  I enjoy adding flaxseed to bread, muffins, oatmeal, pancakes, waffles, etc.  Flaxseed  adds nutritional value to the foods with it's omega-3 and fiber!


click here for WHOLE WHEAT BANANA BREAD recipe

-whole-wheat flour
-baking soda
-plain yogurt (I used Greek yogurt)
-coconut oil
-(I like to add some flax seed to this recipe) 

click here for BRAN FLAX MUFFINS recipe


-whole wheat flour
-flaxseed meal
-oat bran cereal
-brown sugar: I replaced this with a mashed banana and 1/4-1/3 cup pineapple juice.**  
-baking soda
-baking powder
-shredded carrots (I processed this in my food processor)
-shredded apples* (preferably organic)
-chopped walnuts

*I processed the apples in my food processor and left the peel on.
**mix the mashed banana and pineapple juice in with the liquids, not the dry ingredients. 

My delicious Breakfast Muffins.  I don't have a picture of the Banana Bread, but it was equally as tasty!


  1. These muffins remind me of the Breakfast Muffin recipe you shared with me that has natural Apricot fruit spread in it. Wonderful!!!

  2. Yes, they are similar, but I think these are even better! :)

  3. I am baking some banana bread with this recipe right now. ;) Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yay, thanks for telling me Elizabeth! I'll be interested to hear if you like it.

  4. Wynn eats oatmeal and applesauce for breakfast, but Reese usually just drinks her Carnation milk for breakfast. I'd love to have these muffins to offer to her each morning. Looking forward to making these!

    1. I have really enjoyed these muffins! I have my last two I will be eating in the morning, and then I will have to make some more! :) A great way to start a day! :)

  5. Davis, I am excited about trying this recipe! I was wondering if you suggest a substitute for the oat bran cereal. I could buy some, but I don't usually have any, so I wondered if something else would work. If not, it might make a good snack option to start getting for Houston, so I'm open to that :).

    Also, if your blog has the option, you should add the option for readers to share your posts and recipes on Pinterest — you would get lots of traffic from that, I think! :)

    1. Hey Tabitha! I've never substituted anything for oat bran. I use it from time to time in recipes, so I just keep some on hand. You might try googling it and see if you find any suggestions on good substitutions. If you try using something else, I'd love to know how it turns out!
      Also, great suggestion concerning Pinterest! That will be my next adventure. I am totally feeling my way through all of this, as all of this is new to me. I am trying to start up a FB page this week, so be on the lookout for that! I'll tackle a Pinterest link soon! :)
      Thanks so much for your support and enthusiasm concerning my blog!

  6. I made the Whole Wheat Banana Bread in muffin format with my son as a reward, and the kids really like it so far! My son will not eat bananas, but he will eat them in a muffin. Enjoying your blog. Looking forward to hearing more about how real food budgeting works for you!

    1. Hey Sarah! Thanks for your comment! The Whole Wheat Banana Bread is one of my favorites! I love that it's tasty, without being super sweet! I have lots to share, so keep following the blog! :)

  7. This sounds delicious and I love the Asian flavors and ingredients you have used here. This is the kind of meal my family loves. We'll be having it soon. I hope you have a great day. Blessings. Access the Dark Web Deep Web stories Deep Web Reddit Links Deep Web Browsers
