
Saturday, May 11, 2013


I love oatmeal and not only for breakfast.  I can totally enjoy a big bowl of oatmeal for lunch or dinner too!  Growing up I would eat those instant oatmeal flavored packets.  When I was at the grocery store the other day I looked at the ingredients in several different flavors and they all have sugar as the second ingredient.  Also, most of the flavors I looked at had artificial flavors and colors...yuck!  The way I prepare my oatmeal these days is MUCH better for you, but also so much more tasty!  You can get very creative with your oatmeal, so fix you up a bowl today!  Below are some of my favorite ways to eat oatmeal.


*This is my very favorite way to flavor my oatmeal:  oatmeal (oats, water, sea salt), walnuts, mashed banana, vanilla extract, flax seed meal, and maple syrup.

*My second favorite way to  fix my oatmeal: oatmeal (oats, water, sea salt), raisins, homemade peanut butter, maple syrup, flax seed meal and vanilla extract.

*And every so often, for a change, I like to eat it this way: oatmeal (oats, water, sea salt), strawberry honey jam, and flax seed meal.

peanut butter oatmeal

strawberry oatmeal

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