
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Baked Salmon and Roasted Vegetables

We love wild-caught (not farm raised) salmon and try to eat it once a week.  It's so good for you and I love that it's full of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12.  We used to buy our salmon at a seafood market by our house, but have recently started buying it at Costco to save money.  Costco sells wild-caught frozen salmon and it's just as tasty as the fresh salmon that we used to buy at the seafood market.

So if you are looking for a super healthy, yummy, easy dinner for tonight, here you go: baked salmon and roasted vegetables with a large side of fresh fruit for dessert!   We just use seasonings from our spice cabinet to season the salmon.  Before seasoning it, I use my Misto to lightly spray some olive oil on the salmon.  Then I sprinkle some pepper, kosher salt, dill weed, onion powder, paprika and onion flakes on the salmon.  Next, I pop the thawed and seasoned fish in the oven and bake it until done.  I usually bake it at 450 for 10 minutes or until the fish flakes easily with a fork.

As for the vegetables, roasting is my favorite way to prepare vegetables.  My second favorite way is to steam vegetables, but really roasting is so easy, and absolutely delicious, so that's what I usually do.  Tonight, I am going to be roasting some green beans.  The other night when we ate salmon, I roasted some fresh broccoli.   Then other times, I prepare a large 9x13 of squash, zucchini, brussel sprouts, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, purple onion and broccoli that I roast.....SO YUM! 

To roast vegetables, simply chop up the fresh vegetables and season with olive oil, sea salt and pepper.  Then put in the oven at 350 and stir occasionally.   Watch the vegetables closely and pull them out of the oven when you feel they are done.  I can't really suggest an amount of time to cook the vegetables, because some people like them more done than other people.  Also, it depends on the vegetable(s) you are cooking as to how long they will need to roast.  After a few times of roasting vegetables, you'll determine how long you prefer them to cook.


baked salmon and roasted broccoli, with kiwi and grapes for dessert

roasted of my favorites!

mixed roasted vegetables

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