
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Homemade Vanilla Extract

Take a minute to go look at the ingredient list on your bottle of Pure Vanilla Extract...... did any of you find corn syrup as one of the ingredients in your "Pure" Vanilla Extract?

I used to buy Publix  brand Pure Vanilla Extract.  I never bothered checking the ingredient list, because it's "pure" not imitation, so I thought there wouldn't be any extra and unnecessary ingredients, right?  WRONG!  Unfortunately many vanilla extracts have corn syrup added to it and I don't understand why.  I no longer buy Publix brand vanilla.  I switched to Spice Islands brand, which is all natural and without corn syrup (sold at Publix).  I used Spice Island for a while, but then switched again when I found a less expensive brand at Target: Rodelle's Pure Vanilla Extract ingredient list reads: Vanilla Bean extracted in water and alcohol.  I use a lot of vanilla extract (in larabars, yogurt, oatmeal, muffins, etc.!), so I was hoping I could buy my vanilla extract at Costco, but unfortunately the brand they sell has corn syrup added too.

Another option would be to make your own vanilla extract.  Did you know that it's SO easy to make?  All it takes is vanilla beans (I used 5 Madagascar vanilla beans sliced vertically), 1 cup vodka, a bottle and patience (8 weeks to be exact) - oh and shake the bottle occasionally during those two months.  You can buy vanilla beans at the grocery store, but I found them cheaper at Beanilla.  I just bought a little starter kit, so I would have a proper bottle to use over and over again.  It was really neat making my own vanilla extract.  You should give it a try!


Day 1

After 8 weeks. 

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