
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Homemade Peanut Butter

Have you ever checked the ingredients on your peanut butter?  Some peanut butters are better for you than others, but have you ever thought of making your own homemade peanut butter?  It's so, so, SO easy and so delicious!

Growing up, my family ate Jif Extra Crunchy Peanut Butter (ingredients: roasted peanuts, sugar, molasses, fully hydrogenated vegetable oils, mono and diglycerides, salt).  Up until recently my husband and I were buying Smucker's Natural Creamy Peanut Butter (ingredients: peanuts and salt).  This is definitely better for you than the Jif peanut butter that I grew up eating, however, homemade peanut butter is even better for you (and cheaper) than the Smucker's!

Intrigued?  So, here's how......simply buy a container of plain, no-salt, peanuts.  Put the peanuts in your food processor and turn it on.   That's it!  It took about 4-5 minutes to get to the consistency that we like.  I put the peanut butter in a glass jar and store it in the refrigerator

Some of my family members commented that they prefer the Peter Pan Creamy Peanut Butter over natural peanut butter because they like the sweet and salty that their peanut butter has.  I understand that plain homemade peanut butter isn't for everyone (although I think most people could acquire a taste for it if they wanted to), so maybe you could try "dressing up" your homemade peanut butter?  I haven't tried this, but I don't see why you can't add a little sea salt or kosher salt and/or honey or pure maple syrup to your homemade peanut butter.  This would still be an improvement from most of the peanut butters at the grocery store.  (If you try this, please let me know how it turns out.)

I often shop at Publix and when the plain no-salt peanuts are B1G1, I stock up!  Between putting peanut butter on organic apples, making peanut butter sandwiches,  making homemade larabars, etc., we go through a lot of peanut butter!  We love our plain homemade peanut butter!  Hope you give this a try sometime soon!


Homemade Peanut Butter (before)

Homemade Peanut Butter (after)

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